Leadership and Jewish crackers?? Oh yes.

‘Tis the season to eat matzah (unleavened bread). Leadership and Jewish crackers??? Oh yes.

Last night my son and I were part of a matzah baking chaburah – “affinity group”. Beside a) having a lot of fun with friends and b) taking home matzah that we helped bake, one leadership reminder for me:

🧠 Higher competence = less bureaucracy = better execution. The event was led by a rabbi and his team of professional matzah bakers. The process of baking matzah is difficult and sensitive – for each batch of matzah, every step must be completed flawlessly, all in under eighteen minutes. Each member of the rabbi’s team was expert in every aspect of the process and could keep all of us amateurs moving forward effectively.

💬 Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes (that we stole for our company motto – Leaders who build leaders), “Good leaders create followers. Great leaders create leaders.” Hat tip to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks of blessed memory, who received that guidance directly from The Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Some focusing questions for the leadership journey:

How can I build competence in my teams this week/month/quarter?

What resources do my teams need from me to get smarter/stronger/better?

Business owners/CEOs: On a quest to grow as a leader? Follow IGW on Facebook or LinkedIn for inspiration and empowering resources.